Analysis of Linguistic Units Reflecting Religious Values in English and Uzbek Languages

N. Djumaeva

BSU, Senior teacher of English linguistics department

M. Abdurakhmanova

BSU, Master student of English linguistics department


Studying the essence of language offers the chance to comprehend the rich spiritual legacy at a higher level of any nation's history, national values, cultural diversity, and spiritual wealth. Using litota is common in improving the expressive and descriptive qualities of speech, using fiction, poetry, and both prose and nonfiction as well as figurative and euphonic poetry, discourse, and highlights of fundamental ideas. Litota serves to minimize the magnitude or significance of a character or object from the writing. Both prose and poetry use litota for euphonic discourse, imagery, expressiveness, and underlines varieties of fundamental ideas in discrimination or mitigation in the literature based on context, and in speech - based on accentuation and intonation. For instance, Depending on context or pronunciation, the "Nоt bad" can be interpreted in two different ways, both soften. Such alterations are frequently employed in literature and ordinary discourse to transform the rejection of something into morality. "You are not confident you can perform the assignment," as an illustration. This expresses the speaker's conviction that the listener is unable to do the assignment. However, he unquestionably mirrored this with the aid of rejection. In this situation, using a softener in speech is a courteous way to communicate your displeasure rather than saying it out loud.

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