About the Journal

Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences

Background and Objectives
The Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in Social Sciences is organized to make collaborate among future leaders of the society. It is an online event organized by young scholars for young scholars, where senior researchers take part in public conferences and working groups as discussants. This matches perfectly with the collaboration of YSI.  In this sense, the edition of the Conference, which is taking place from January 26th to 28th, aims to consolidate this event as a periodic scientific event of reference for young scholars.

Since its first edition, the Conference has grown in research topics and working groups, as well as speakers and participants. The previous Conferences will take place in Campus Miguelete, San Martín, Buenos Aires in 2021 (132 speakers participated, distributed thematically in 15 working groups), 2015 (170 speakers participated, distributed thematically in 15 working groups) and 2017 (204 speakers participated, distributed thematically in 18 working groups). This expresses the Conference’s progressive constitution as a reference at the national level and the consolidation of the research and extension guidelines of the platform: interdisciplinarity, dialogue, and collaboration between different areas of social sciences.

Objectives of the Conference
In its pro edition, the Organizing Committee proposes specific objectives:
● Strengthen networks between researchers, scholars and students of different trajectories and institutional affiliations
● Consolidate intergenerational dialogue, exchange between graduated and Ph.D. students, scholars and young researchers.
● Promote the participation of speakers from other regions (national and international) and generate meeting and discussion opportunities.
● Spread the results presented in the conference in a web publication and edit a book of papers selected by the Academic Committee.
● Develop critical thinking in social sciences.
● Rethink ways of teaching and learning in our disciplines in the region.

Target group: graduate and Ph.D. students, scholars, and young researchers from several universities from different regions (national and international).

Structure of the event
The fourth edition of the Congress will have a full program for three days. The core activities are 28 sessions (where around 200 presentations are expected), under the following topics:
● Firms, states and institutions
● Urban studies
● Economic development
● Studies on transport, mobility and logistics
● Social and economic elites
● Globalization and agriculture
● Migrations
● Latin American political processes
● Labor market
● Feminism and gender studies
● Marxism and social theory

Some of them will count with the co-organization of 4 Young Scholars Working Groups: States and Markets, Complexity Economics, Economic Development and Urban and Regional Economics.

Besides, there will be several books presentations from the hosting institution professors, conferences by local and international speakers and cultural activities (in partnership with other UNSAM units).

Organizing Committee (from IDAES-UNSAM):
Andrea Sosa, Bruno Perez Almansi, Elea Maglia, Emilia Val, Facundo Zorzoli, Fernán Gaillardou, Florencia Labiano, Javier Pérez Ibáñez, Jesica Pereiro, Juan Arrarás, Leandro Navarro, María Bargo, Marina Suarez, Martín Hornes, Melina Fischer, Pablo Salas, Paula Serpe, Paula Simonetti, Romina Garcia Hermelo, Solange Godoy, Sonia Balza and Violeta Dikenstein.

Scientific Committee:
Alejandro Gaggero, Ariel Wilkis, Carla Gras, Emiliano Gambarotta, Esteban Serrani, Gabriel Noel, Gabriel Vommaro, Gustavo Ludueña, José Garriga Zucal, Lucas Iramaín, Mariana Gené, Mariana Heredia, Marina Dossi, Marina Moguillansky, Martín Schorr, Máximo Badaró, Pablo Figueiro, Pablo Nemiña, Romina Malagamba, Sebastián Pereyra, Verónica Pérez and Verónica Robert.