Guidelines for authors

Guiding Principles

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is an international community comprised of students, young professionals, and researchers.

Our community is organized through a number of working groups set up along topical lines. In these groups, we create stimulating environments for new economic thought and inquiry in a wide range of subject matters. Additionally, the community is continuously brought together through workshops, conferences and other projects.


We envision economic thinking that is free of intellectual barriers, resonates with reality and serves our global society.


The Young Scholars Initiative supports and inspires the next generation of new economic thinkers. As a community, YSI seeks to transform the discourse in economics by establishing an open space for economic thought and inquiry. Ultimately, we aim to renew economic thinking by embodying the change we hope to see.


As young scholars, we believe that there are many ways of thinking about the economy. So what “new economic thinking” means in terms of ideas and topics is left up to the individual. What brings us together is a collective spirit of new economic thinking – a certain way of studying, questioning, and conducting economics, as reflected by the objectives and values of our community. This is what makes us new economic thinkers.