Foreign Investments Driving Infrastructure Growth in Uzbekistan’s Special Economic Zones

Odilbekov Nozimbek Ortiqbek O‘G‘Li

Tashkent International School of Ulugbek of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of International Relations

Keywords: Foreign Investments, Special Economic Zones, Infrastructure Development, Regulatory Framework, Comparative Analysis


This study investigates the impact of foreign investments on infrastructure development within Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Uzbekistan, comparing these effects with international experiences from China, India, and the UAE. The introduction highlights the crucial role of foreign investments in enhancing SEZ infrastructure, a key factor for economic growth. However, a significant knowledge gap exists regarding the specific mechanisms through which these investments influence infrastructure and the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks in Uzbekistan.

To address this gap, a mixed-methods approach was employed, combining qualitative interviews with key stakeholders (government officials, SEZ managers, foreign investors) and quantitative analysis of investment and infrastructure data. The findings reveal that foreign investments have positively impacted infrastructure improvements in Uzbek SEZs, notably in transportation and utility services. Nevertheless, the pace and scale of development in Uzbekistan lag behind those in leading SEZs, primarily due to regulatory inefficiencies and limited investment diversity.

The results underscore the need for enhanced regulatory frameworks and targeted incentives to fully leverage foreign investments. Implications for policy include adopting best practices from successful SEZs abroad, such as streamlined regulatory processes and robust public-private partnerships. Future research should explore the long-term sustainability of infrastructure improvements and the effects of different investment types on infrastructure development. Addressing these areas will provide deeper insights into optimizing SEZ performance and fostering sustained economic growth.

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