Adult Education Methods: How to Alternate Theory with Practice


  • Khidirova Malohat Kazakovna Teacher, independent researcher Guliston state university, the department of “Pedagogy”


adult education, forms of education, individual, competition, competitioncooperation, formal education, non-formal education, cooperative education, behaviorism, courses, circles, lectures, seminars, conferences, excursions


Today, the concept of continuous education is relevant and is aimed at realizing the potential of every person, regardless of age. This article talks about the forms of organization of adult education. A modern specialist should be constantly searching, have the ability to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. Only this will allow you to keep up with the times and be considered a high-level specialist. Education helps adults understand how to change the society they live in for the better. Adult learning and education provides people with the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, virtues and values to develop and realize their rights and become the owners of their own destinies.




How to Cite

Kazakovna, K. M. . (2023). Adult Education Methods: How to Alternate Theory with Practice. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 171–172. Retrieved from