Bugungi kunda horijiy tillarni o`qitishda o`qituvchlir oldida yuzaga keladigan ayrim muammolar va ularning yechimlari hususida


  • G`. Jo`rayev O`zDJTU Ingliz tili amaliy fanlar № 1 kafedrasi o`qituvchisi


teaching processes, use of IT, foreign languages, English language, Storyboard platform, old methods, 21st century IT age, new methods, 21st century classroom, creative environment, VR technology, Free 4 talk site.


This article tells about the current state of teaching foreign languages in the higher education of  our republic, the main methodological problems in the course of lessons, as well as their modern solutions. Effective and purposeful use of modern information technologies in lesson processes, formation of language skills in language learners and expantion of  students` worldview in the process of language learning.




How to Cite

G`. Jo`rayev. (2023). Bugungi kunda horijiy tillarni o`qitishda o`qituvchlir oldida yuzaga keladigan ayrim muammolar va ularning yechimlari hususida. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 117–119. Retrieved from https://openconference.us/index.php/academic/article/view/670