Bioethics as a Social Institution, Principles and Rules of Biomedical Ethics, the Concept of Bioethics, Different Features of Bioethics in Previous Models of Medical Ethics, Ethics Committees, their Status and Duties


  • Nabiev Rakhmonjon Masters 1 Year of Study
  • Masharipova Saida Masters 1 Year of Study
  • Akhrorkhodzhaev N. Sh Heads, Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Umirzakova N. A Head of the Department of Bioethics, Tashkent State Dental Institute


Bioethics is a multidisciplinary science, the main part of which is the attitude to life and death. Its starting point is the latest advances in biology and biomedicine.

Biomedical ethics is applied medical ethics, which is an integral part of bioethics, which solves personal ethical problems of biomedicine. BTE differs in the dynamics of its problems, from an empirical definition of medical ethics problems to a moral philosophical understanding based on biomedical research and manipulation.




How to Cite

Rakhmonjon, N. ., Saida, M. ., N. Sh, A. ., & N. A, U. . (2023). Bioethics as a Social Institution, Principles and Rules of Biomedical Ethics, the Concept of Bioethics, Different Features of Bioethics in Previous Models of Medical Ethics, Ethics Committees, their Status and Duties. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 75–77. Retrieved from