Treatment of Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia on the Background of Diabetes Mellitus and Severe Foot Damage


  • Xomidov Feruz Kosimovich


To improve the methods of treatment of critical lower limb ischemia in patients with diabetes mellitus


Critical ischemia of the lower extremities is always a dangerous condition of the vascular bed that supplies blood to the legs. With such a pathological condition, the patient requires immediate surgical assistance, since without surgery and appropriate drug therapy, the risk of developing health-threatening and life-threatening complications increases significantly and in most clinical cases is inevitable. Especially often, critical ischemia leads to gangrene and the need for limb amputation. Therapy of critical ischemia is almost never complete without reconstructive surgery - mechanical intravascular thrombectomy. Revascularization is a necessary measure in achieving a favorable prognosis without amputation of a limb fragment.




How to Cite

Kosimovich, X. F. . (2023). Treatment of Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia on the Background of Diabetes Mellitus and Severe Foot Damage. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 9–10. Retrieved from