Keldiyorova Marjona

Keywords: figurative components, phraseological, metaphors, connotation, grammatical category, linguo-culturology, phraseological units, human appearance, culture, atribute.


Any culture is not stable; it is in constant motion and change, in harmony with the surrounding environment. Language is such that it collects, stores, transmits data from generation to generation. Linguo-culturology is one of the most dynamically developing spheres of modern linguistics. Since ancient times, translators have been acting as intermediaries in the communication of representatives of different linguistic communities. This article studies the task of the translator that is conveyed by means of the translating language the exact content of the original text while maintaining the unity of form and content. Currently, research in the field of comparative study of languages ​​is of great importance for the construction of a linguistic theory of translation. For a number of reasons, many transformations take place during translation, the reason for which most often lies in the vision of the world inherent in the language and its speakers. Describing the same subject situation, native speakers of English and Russian can choose completely different language means. For example, English is characterized by the predominant use of verb forms. On the contrary, the Uzbek language is characterized by a more frequent use of nouns.


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