Keywords: teaching method, dictation, types of learners, cognitive, kinesthetic


There are a variety of teaching methods and strategies available to teachers, some of which may be more effective at achieving different types of instructional goals. Teaching methods and strategies are techniques that teachers use to help students develop knowledge and/or skills. Effective teaching methods are any teaching methods that help the students successfully meet the learning goals set by the instructor.


Achinstein P 2010. Evidence, Explanation, and Realism: Essays in Philosophy of Science. London: Oxford University Press. Asbaugh AF 1988. Plato's Theory of Explanation: A Study of the Cosmological Account in the Timaeus. USA: State University of New York Press. Behr AL 1988. Exploring the lecture method: An empirical study. Studies in Higher Education, 13(2): 189–200.

Asbaugh AF 1988. Plato's Theory of Explanation: A Study of the Cosmological Account in the Timaeus. USA: State University of New York Press.

Behr AL 1988. Exploring the lecture method: An empirical study. Studies in Higher Education, 13(2): 189–200.

Columbia State Community College | 1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia TN 38401 | 931-540-2722. Columbia State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution.

Jarvie IC 1991. Explaining Explanation. David-Hillel Ruben New York.